Questions About Our Edible Cutleries

 Edible Cutlery is made from 100% naturally produced from millets, pulses, grains and spices.

Our edible spoon is strong enough to be used to cut into cooked meat (without bones). Please remember that it is an edible spoon and not a plastic, wooden or steel knife. As it is baked, it may break with excessive force.

Please contact us at info@ediblecutleries.com for special offers on bulk orders and catering services.

It can lose crispiness if the packet is opened and spoons left in the open. It can still be edible with some change in taste. Since our edible cutlery is made with millets, it can also be contaminated by frequent touching and moisture in the open atmosphere. You may wish to consider storing open packs of spoons in a sealable box / zip lock bag.

The shelf life for all edible products is 12 months provided it stays in its original sealed packaging, optimum temperature and in airtight condition. It can stay good for up to 3 months beyond expiry date; however, some change in taste may occur.

Currently the following flavours are available: Generic, sweet, spicy and Savoury; Dessert Spoons are available in Sweet flavour only.

Edible cutlery is made with flavours that will complement your food be it your meal, dessert or a soup. It is not expected to overpower the taste of your food item.

Yes. No animal product is used in making edible cutlery.


As edible cutlery is made from naturally sourced materials, it is unlikely to cause any side effects if you eat them regularly.

Our edible cutlery is designed for human consumption with or after your meal, minimising disposable cutlery waste. If not eaten, edible cutlery can be put into Green Organic Recycling for composting, where it will naturally biodegrade within 1 to 2 weeks. As it is made from naturally sourced ingredients, it is perfectly safe for backyard composting as well. If put in landfill/General waste, it should still decompose, but it may take longer subject to external conditions."

Edible cutlery is a baked product, hardened for intended use as spoon/straw etc. Please use individual judgement before biting into edible cutlery as we value your smile more than the edible cutlery. Happy eating!

While all our edible cutlery products are packed to make sure they arrive safely without damage, we understand that things like this can happen during transport. We will offer credit for broken cutlery in your next purchase provided you contact us within 24 hours .


It is tested up to 300 degree and -40 degree centigrade.

About 40 mins to one and half hours depends on the temperature.